BIO-MAT Therapy


BIO-MAT Therapy is available:

  • as an upgrade with any massage

  • as an individual session with Amethyst Crystal:
    30-minute per session $30

  • for questions, or to ask about individual purchase, contact (949)547-9562 or email:

The Bio-Mat is a “pad” which lies on top of a massage table.  It converts electricity through a computerized control panel, produced with Texas Instruments components, into Far Infrared Rays (FIR), nature’s invisible light. FIR was discovered by NASA to be the safest, most beneficial light wave. It penetrates 6-8 inches into the innermost recesses of the body, stimulating healing and regeneration of nerves and muscle tissue layers.
The Bio-Mat also produces Negative Ions, nature’s energizer, which deliver a molecular level massage.  This accelerates and deepens all healing and cleansing processes. It balances pH by decreasing acidity and is considered the “Master Power Switch” which activates the body’s entire cellular communication system, making every body function work better!  

These two components are transferred through Amethyst Quartz channels which cover the entire Bio-Mat’s surface.  Amethyst Quartz is natures Super Conductor, scientifically found to offer the steadiest, most powerful delivery of healthy far infrared light waves and the highest vibrational frequencies into the body.  It is known to be a powerful detoxifier, assisting in releasing its user from addictions such as alcohol, food and substance abuse, as well as hangovers and toxic residues.  It also produces naturally occurring far infrared waves.

This technology is being used in spas and professional practitioner's offices all over the world. Physical therapists, chiropractors and acupuncturists are realizing the benefits for their clients.  Boeing and Microsoft have placed them in their buildings for employees to use.  So start today by being proactive about your health and well being.  A good nights sleep or a mere 25 minute nap on the Bio-Mat, can go a long way to ensuring that the years ahead of you will be healthier, enabling you to be more active and enjoy life’s journey to it’s fullest!

Bio-Mat Specifications

The Richway Bio-Mat™ uses Japanese Kurare Carbon ceramic, and has electrical consumption of 60% less compared to other electric mattresses.

Bio-Mat Technology

Benefits of Bio-Mat Therapy

Improves Circulation & Cardiovascular Function

Far Infrared Rays raise body temperature, warming the blood and expanding the blood vessels. There is an increase in peripheral blood flow and volume, resulting in improved circulation and heart function.

Improves Immunity

Far Infrared Ray's (FIR) deep heat raises your body temperature, inducing an artificial and healthy fever. As the body works to combat the fever, your immune system is activated and strengthened, which in turn produces a detoxification of harmful toxins and waste products. With the continual use of the Amethyst Bio mat, your overall health and resistance to disease can be improved greatly.

Relieves Pain

The deep heat of Far Infrared helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscles and soft tissue injuries. Increased blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen rich blood to oxygen depleted muscles, so they may recover faster.

Burns Calories and Controls Weight

As you relax in the gentle heat of the Far Infrared, your body is actually hard at work producing sweat, pumping blood, and burning calories. According to the 8/7/81 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association report, a single 30 minute far infrared session burns as many calories as rowing or jogging for 30 minutes. This can be helpful for disabled persons who are unable to move, as well as those looking to increase metabolism and burn calories via alternative means.

Eases Joint Pain and Stiffness

Far Infrared heat therapy is widely used to treat patients suffering from many kinds of arthritis and musculo-skeletal disorders. In addition, it has been proven effective in the treatment of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness, and many other musculo-skeletal ailments. Stiffness, aches, and soreness that come with aging can be reduced or eliminated by using Far Infrared heat therapy (FIR).

Reduces Stress and Fatigue

The gentle warmth of the Far Infrared Rays help to soothe nerves and relax tight or knotted muscles. The end result is reduced stress and improved energy. Receiving massages while on the Biomat can be especially beneficial, as the far infrared heat warms and relaxes the muscles to better receive the healing touch of your practitioner.

Improves Skin

Far Infrared and Negative Ions penetrate the skin deeply, helping to detoxify impurities from the skin and lymph. In addition, exfoliation is greatly enhanced by the far infrared, rapidly removing dead skin cells. Increased circulation draws your skin’s own natural nutrients to the surface, rejuvenating its health and appearance.

Removes Bodily Toxins and Assists in Detoxification

Far Infrared helps to detoxify the body in several important ways. Increased blood circulation stimulates the sweat glands and lymph system, releasing built up toxins and waste. Daily sweating can help detoxify your body as it rids itself of an accumulation of potentially carcinogenic heavy metals, alcohol, nicotine, sodium, sulfuric acid, cholesterol, and uric acid. In addition to sweating, far infrared is capable of mobilizing toxins and acidic waste, allowing for their removal via several other bodily systems.