Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse

As we approach the end of the month of January, we enter deeper into the year of acceptance and deeper into the truths of ourselves. Feelings may be arising and feelings may be falling, but change is happening, whether we like it or not. On January 31, 2018, there will be a total lunar eclipse that falls in the sign of Leo.

This event of Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse is monumental to this year and to our own personal growth with Spirit. 

This time is a time for releasing and this time is a time for change. Lunar eclipses are about letting the endings go and bringing the beginnings in. This future doorway of the January Lunar Eclipse brings about the shining light of truth for our lives and it brings about the inner guidance from Spirit into our lives, guiding us into totality of love. 

The past few days and the upcoming few days may feel odd with energy, or they may even feel a bit intense. It is going to affect everyone and everything on this planet. The energy of the moon may bring about unbalance or a rocky feeling within our hearts, for the purpose of bringing about change. You may feel off or have feelings that come out of nowhere and don't seem to apply to your life, and you may also feel unaware of where you are at in life. All of this is happening for a reason.

This time is for the walls to fall down, and the release to end so we can walk deeper into whom we are. We must remember to believe in ourselves, have faith, and know this intense time brings about different energies to connect us to our hearts, our minds, and the truth of self. It is time to walk deeper into the year of 2018 with Higher Self and allow roots of Spirit to root in ourselves.

Creating a crystal grid, dreaming, meditating, and being within ourselves during this time is very important for our growth and co-creation with the planet. Allow the blessings to flow from the night's watery movement of the moon can bring transformative growth like never before.